We don't share your data...
… but we do make it possible for volunteers to get to know each other.
Some organizations choose to allow volunteers to see the other volunteers assigned to something so that volunteers can get to know each other. If this has been set up where you volunteer, you have complete control over whether or not others can see that you are on the schedule. Additionally, you get to decide what exactly they get to see (First Name and Family Name and/or your photo).
If you don’t see any privacy setting, don’t worry. It means that none of your information will show up on the schedule to other volunteers.
Choosing Your Privacy Settings
Log on toMyImpactPage.com
Click on the MY PROFILE tab
Click on the “Contact Information” section
Select your desired Privacy Settings, if this option has been enabled by the organization you volunteer with:
“I want other volunteers to be able to see my name in the list of scheduled volunteers”: only your first name will be displayed
“I want my last name included”: your last name will also be included
“I want my photo included”: if you have a profile photo, it will also be included
Click the [Save] button