How to Log In
On your phone, tablet, or other mobile device, click on the My Impact app.
Type in your username and Password and click the [Login] button.
Your Home Page
Once you have logged on, you’ll be greeted by name on your home page.
If you are assigned to something, you’ll see a reminder at the top of the page. If your organization has set up the feature, you may even be able to start a clock for your activity assignment from your mobile device.
A bit further down the home page, you may see:
a personal message from a member of the Volunteer Coordinator team
news and information for users in your organization
a summary of your hours logged for the week, month, and year
Click on the [Menu] button in the top left to access the functionality of the app or mobile version of your profile.
Menu Options
From here, you can:
Close: close the menu
Home: return to the Home page
Opportunities: sign up for something
Schedule: view your assignments
Hours: log hours and view past logged hours
Connections: log a client encounter and view recent logged encounters if you are associated with a client of the organization
Contact: send an email and view client contact information if you are associated with clients
My Profile: view or edit your profile
Files: access files from your organizations document library
Go to the main site: switch to the non-mobile website
Log Out: log out from the volunteer portal
Your Profile
From the [My Profile] button, you’ll be able to:
Contact Information: update your name, address, telephone, and email information
Change Password: change your password
Update Photo: add / update your profile photo
Update Privacy Settings: specify whether or not volunteers can see your name in assignment lists
Update Text Messaging Settings: subscribe to text messages (if your organization uses this feature)
Goals: view / edit your hours goals
General Interests: view / edit items that are of interest to you
Availability: view / edit the days and times that you are generally available to volunteer
Qualifications: view / edit the qualifications section of your profile
Additional Info: view / edit the additional information section of your profile
Select a theme: if you belong to multiple organizations, select the color and branding scheme to apply to your interface